Sunday, 5 October 2008
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
real life learning

i am writing up a research report about the importance of engagement with real life experiences outside of the formal classroom context - trying to shake some sense into educators that think they can continue to control children's learning with an island mentality through a transmission of information model that operates in isolation from the rest of the world - somehow we have to influence formal educators towards a pedagogy that embraces life as meaning making activity :
‘Learning power depends on developing certain dispositions, qualities and capabilities; but, as with all other knowledge and know-how, these are embedded within a shifting intuitive sense
of when, where and for what purposes they are best employed ……Knowledge and know-how that are learnt intellectually have to be re-embedded through reflective practice in the functional networks of the brainscape before they can turn into fluent expertise.’ (Guy Claxton 1999;338-9)
of when, where and for what purposes they are best employed ……Knowledge and know-how that are learnt intellectually have to be re-embedded through reflective practice in the functional networks of the brainscape before they can turn into fluent expertise.’ (Guy Claxton 1999;338-9)
we only really know something when we use that knowledge in real life - so the process of learning should be less about accumulating and rehearsing knowledge and much much more about developing our understanding in response to the problems and challenges of real life - the phrase 'use it or lose it' comes to mind !
Monday, 7 July 2008

nice to see the robinsons is still popular ! - after brunch on sunday we walked through the parks to westminster (no traffic as there had been a big charity road race early on) - finished with a classic anna's afternoon tea - gosh i love champagne !! had a great time and came home exhausted - being guests is very hard work you know, even just for a weekend !
Monday, 30 June 2008
a summer's day

Saturday, 28 June 2008

Monday, 12 May 2008

Saturday, 10 May 2008
Sunday, 4 May 2008
fun with maths

i have been having fun today creating several different surveys for some research into creativity and maths i am doing - one for teachers and then eight others for different classes of children - all of them are trying to collect information about confidence and enjoyment in maths - it is going to be very interesting to see what the results show - my job has been made much easier by the marvellous inventions of the organisation survey monkey - i was rubbish at data handling and statistics at school - survey monkey make it all beautifully easy and the results are actually quite elegant !
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
a creative entrepreneur

just finished reading andrew mawson's book - the social entrepreneur - very exciting, as it is about his real experience of transforming communities through investing in life bringing relationships - this book is really threaded through with the message that genuinely reciprocal relationships count if we want to live transformatively in our neighbourhoods and in our broader society - andrew speaks plainly about the paucity of relational awareness demonstrated by local government officals, processes, structures and initiatives - you have to get to know some people if you are going to make a difference in a community and government bureaucracy takes no account of that
andrew recounts several shameful examples of wasted time, resources, energy, ideas, not to mention money, squandered on projects that began as well intentioned ideas, but because of relational negligence, end up coming to nothing - this is a frustrating reminder for those of us that have ever experienced the pain of empty committee life and endlessly dehumanizing red tape - mawson makes an excellent argument for the radical re-vamping of a funding/procurement system that is unethical - wasting time and money on 'hollow' consultation and evaluation processes, at the expense of allowing those who have proved over and over again that they can 'deliver the goods' and bring about real change, is downright unjust - and making room within procedures and processes to really 'listen' and 'respect' and 'take a risk' is crucial - mawson points out that you can't 'change the world through a policy paper at little personal cost'
i found this book to be a really inspiring, simple account of one activist's journey to live true to a vision for shalom amongst our friends and neighbours - even in big business or national political circles, that is possible, and indeed probable, if we are able to turn our 'passion into practice' and create genuine community and a sense of trust in our neighbourhoods - entrepreneurs are not always cold hearted, hard nosed, bottom dollar businessmen - people who depend 'on building deeply resilient human connections and being absolutely attentive to the detail of life' can't really be all that bad eh?!
Monday, 21 April 2008
the flourishing of humanity

Friday, 11 April 2008
the best life ever

have been amusing myself between jobs today, trying to create a nametag for our wee baby church group here - we all have had thoughts to contribute and the word we are working with is 'life' - so i was thinking about what that means for Christians given that we believe that 'Jesus came to bring the best life ever' - my mind was drawn towards what the best life ever means for those who are trying to follow in the way of Jesus - if 'God is love and those who live in love, live in God and God lives in them', we should all be capable of living hugely relational lives that are larger than life, because they are infused with God - years and years ago, gerald coates spoke to us about 'investing our lives in one another' so that we become vibrant, creative, connected communities of hope that embody God's love and demonstrate God's Kingdom here on earth and in heaven - there is something about that concept of investing when it is expressed in relational terms that really excites me - SO, this is as far as i have got today, but if our wee baby church is going to have the nametag 'life', then life is going to stand for 'Love Invested For Eternity' - just need one of you groovy graffiti artist types to turn that into a logo please !!! send me your attempts if you dare !!
Thursday, 10 April 2008

i have been planning some work on education for sustainable development for older children and community groups to play with together - there is some really good material out there that is produced by aid agencies, so it has been fun crawling and trawling for stuff - thought it might be useful to record the main sites i used, just in case some of you are launching summer term community projects where you are working with the global citizenship theme - worth looking at are :
cafod - for primary schools
global gang - for children - Christian aid
learn for educators - Christian aid
cool planet (for children and educators) - oxfam
food and agriculture organisation excellent manual for planning a community garden
tearfund youth
if anyone is starting a community garden or outdoor education project, i have found grounds for learning, learning through landscapes and the eden project to be very friendly and helpful for ongoing advice - hope you have fun with this stuff !
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
first gathering
a friend on the scottish network has called a first gathering of local church reps to discuss 'youth outreach' in her neighbourhood - she asked for some suggestions so i gave her mine, which for any first gathering are :
1) work hard on the venue and the welcome in terms of comfort and hospitality (good food/drink, comfy seats and a not too overbearing greeting are essential given that people make their minds up about something in the first four minutes) - make it NICE for people - give them a treat - spoil them a bit - they are not used to it in Christian circles so plan to communicate some of the outrageous generosity of God through the physical set up and environment
2) plan to be relentlessly inclusive - make room for the small voice, the less confident, the bizarre, the impractical, the different, the outraged, the entrenched and the depressed view in equal measure - you will get them all, but sometimes people just need a chance to say where they are at and let you know who they are before they are ready to listen and to collaborate with others - let them dump their big issues and know that they have been recorded, noticed and accepted as important - don't be tempted to try to deal with these issues there and then, but be prepared to show how the issues will form an agenda for action in the future
3) find fun things to do together - have a basic outline for gathering people's thoughts and questions and for collecting evidence of what the issues are locally - it is nice for people to feel that they are coming to something that has been thought about in terms of how the forum is structured - if you can find fun and active ways to do this all the better - make participation a requirement through using post-it notes, mindmaps, pictures/posters, speakeasy, my top ten etc etc - make sure people have an opportunity to contribute in the way that's best for them
4) show them something that will inspire them towards a new horizon - a video clip, someone's story, a really practical example of sustainable outreach in action - raise their sights - give them something that stirs them and heightens their expectations or helps them to look at their situation with fresh eyes - keep it short and snappy - give them a BIG powerful shot of creativity and excitement that will lift their aspirations and galvanise their sense of what they are capable of and of what is possible
5) celebrate what you have achieved right there and then - find a creative way to be proud of any consensus - make sure you focus on that before people go home
6) don't leave before you have a firm plan for the next gathering - people will not want this to be a one off and you can't answer all the questions in one go - make arrangements for collecting people's details and email them all the notes and thoughts as soon as you can - be in contact with each person at least 3 times between the first and the next gathering, even if it is only to say hi, thanks for coming, any more ideas ? etc
7) hold it all very lightly - lead gracefully and pursue peace in every interaction - whatever your thoughts and feelings this first meeting is not about what you want to see happen, so give way to their need to influence the agenda without letting one person dominate or hijack the proceedings - be open, cheerful and accepting of each person's contribution - don't allow yourself to dwell on your impressions of how things went - be determined to encourage others and think well of EVERYTHING that took place
8) trust, in our heavenly Father, who knows what His children need even before they ask it.............and who is able to do more than we can possibly think or imagine
that was my eightpennyworth - am interested to know what others would add to or take away from this list and why - leave a comment and let me know eh?
1) work hard on the venue and the welcome in terms of comfort and hospitality (good food/drink, comfy seats and a not too overbearing greeting are essential given that people make their minds up about something in the first four minutes) - make it NICE for people - give them a treat - spoil them a bit - they are not used to it in Christian circles so plan to communicate some of the outrageous generosity of God through the physical set up and environment
2) plan to be relentlessly inclusive - make room for the small voice, the less confident, the bizarre, the impractical, the different, the outraged, the entrenched and the depressed view in equal measure - you will get them all, but sometimes people just need a chance to say where they are at and let you know who they are before they are ready to listen and to collaborate with others - let them dump their big issues and know that they have been recorded, noticed and accepted as important - don't be tempted to try to deal with these issues there and then, but be prepared to show how the issues will form an agenda for action in the future
3) find fun things to do together - have a basic outline for gathering people's thoughts and questions and for collecting evidence of what the issues are locally - it is nice for people to feel that they are coming to something that has been thought about in terms of how the forum is structured - if you can find fun and active ways to do this all the better - make participation a requirement through using post-it notes, mindmaps, pictures/posters, speakeasy, my top ten etc etc - make sure people have an opportunity to contribute in the way that's best for them
4) show them something that will inspire them towards a new horizon - a video clip, someone's story, a really practical example of sustainable outreach in action - raise their sights - give them something that stirs them and heightens their expectations or helps them to look at their situation with fresh eyes - keep it short and snappy - give them a BIG powerful shot of creativity and excitement that will lift their aspirations and galvanise their sense of what they are capable of and of what is possible
5) celebrate what you have achieved right there and then - find a creative way to be proud of any consensus - make sure you focus on that before people go home
6) don't leave before you have a firm plan for the next gathering - people will not want this to be a one off and you can't answer all the questions in one go - make arrangements for collecting people's details and email them all the notes and thoughts as soon as you can - be in contact with each person at least 3 times between the first and the next gathering, even if it is only to say hi, thanks for coming, any more ideas ? etc
7) hold it all very lightly - lead gracefully and pursue peace in every interaction - whatever your thoughts and feelings this first meeting is not about what you want to see happen, so give way to their need to influence the agenda without letting one person dominate or hijack the proceedings - be open, cheerful and accepting of each person's contribution - don't allow yourself to dwell on your impressions of how things went - be determined to encourage others and think well of EVERYTHING that took place
8) trust, in our heavenly Father, who knows what His children need even before they ask it.............and who is able to do more than we can possibly think or imagine
that was my eightpennyworth - am interested to know what others would add to or take away from this list and why - leave a comment and let me know eh?
Monday, 7 April 2008
the circus is in town
cirque du soleil are in town with their new show delirium - sadly i am still in bed, so a trip out will not be possible BUT to keep me amused, my lovely girl AMY, who is very artsy and excitable, made me watch Diqui James' FUERZABRUTA on video in my bed - their show from the edinburgh festival last year called euphoric really is mind blowing - a truly sensual, spectacular treat of theatricality and imagination - made me all excited !! - have to lie down some more now as i am supposed to rest - but they are worth checking out if you want something that will make you feel truly euphoric !

Saturday, 5 April 2008
backyard brunch is back

Friday, 4 April 2008
how i see things

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Monday, 31 March 2008
white sky thinking
Sunday, 30 March 2008
spring into summer

i thank You God for most this amazing day:
for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;
and for everything which is natural
which is infinite
which is yes
(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday;
this is the birthday of life and love and wings:
and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing breathing any
-lifted from the no of all nothing-
human merely being doubt unimaginably You?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
Saturday, 29 March 2008
by the slowest route


i was reading yesterday about baby falcons and how they take their first flight - despite the dogged persistence of their parents, sometimes they wait an age before risking a launch - it has taken me a long while to begin blogging (despite the consistent nagging of many friends) - i go........not sure it will be an impressive launch........but i love that feeling of stepping off the edge of the world into nothingness beneath
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