- i have been away from this blog for a wee while - things have been very busy - overwhelming actually - but i was thinking in all that busy business about what has really been happening this past month or so - there is a lot of mustard seed stuff that goes unnoticed but is very clearly there - i am reminded that all the surface dashing, to-ing and fro-ing make my body very weary these days - but the underneath, where God is always mysteriously and marvellously at work, in more ways than i can possibly imagine, is incredibly energetic and lively - an abundance of creative energy - from little mustard seeds, bigstuff grows !
hey laura, thanks for stopping by ! - no greenbelt for me i'm afraid - my family will be there, but i am sadly not able - maybe hook up another way ??? - be great to see you
am glad you're still about. you were temporarily gone, but not forgotten. are you going to make it to GB this year? would love to hook up if so.
hey laura, thanks for stopping by ! - no greenbelt for me i'm afraid - my family will be there, but i am sadly not able - maybe hook up another way ??? - be great to see you
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