have been amusing myself between jobs today, trying to create a nametag for our wee baby church group here - we all have had thoughts to contribute and the word we are working with is 'life' - so i was thinking about what that means for Christians given that we believe that 'Jesus came to bring the best life ever' - my mind was drawn towards what the best life ever means for those who are trying to follow in the way of Jesus - if 'God is love and those who live in love, live in God and God lives in them', we should all be capable of living hugely relational lives that are larger than life, because they are infused with God - years and years ago, gerald coates spoke to us about 'investing our lives in one another' so that we become vibrant, creative, connected communities of hope that embody God's love and demonstrate God's Kingdom here on earth and in heaven - there is something about that concept of investing when it is expressed in relational terms that really excites me - SO, this is as far as i have got today, but if our wee baby church is going to have the nametag 'life', then life is going to stand for 'Love Invested For Eternity' - just need one of you groovy graffiti artist types to turn that into a logo please !!! send me your attempts if you dare !!
stumbled over your blog tx to jonny b's post pointing you out, he said "say hi" so I am saying "hi" and have fun etc with the blog
thanks for stopping by and for the welcome - i am having fun already - hope you will pop back, peace, julie
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