i have been listening again to a bbc radio four programme broadcast in february called Three Men in a Float - it is a traveller's tale of three adventurers who journey across england from lowestoft to land's end in a fifties milk float - their antidote to a timestarved, speed fixated world is to trundle along at 15 miles an hour and 'see' england in a different light - author dan kieran, editor ian vince and technical genius prasanth visweswaran make a beautiful voyage of discovery as they 'go slow' and 'prove that dawdling serendipity makes for better travelling than planning and speed' - their strategy (if they have one) is enjoyment and humility - by day they revel in the oblique perspective that a less paced life offers - by night they throw themselves upon the mercy of strangers who allow them to charge up their milk float battery for the next day - listening again, i was struck by prasanth's beautiful descriptions of a world viewed in slower motion and by the generosity and kindness of those they met along the way - great to hear about such scandalous hospitality very much in evidence amongst the english - a real experience of listening pleasure - made me wonder why i cave in to the constant pressure to race through life at breakneck speed !
think the bbc link page is dead now because it was something i downoaded to listen again to a while back that has now passed its sell by date - but there is an information page with a brief synopsis if you put three men in a float into the bbc main site search - sometimes i have mailed them for the script of a programme and they have been very good about sending it - this one would be worth having - there are so many great quotes i know i could 'use' - but the actual programme might not be available now - would be a keeper if it was - it was really terrific (and very funny) ! xxj
hey welcome to the blogosphere!
Thanks for this... do you have a link to the BBC page, I couldn't find it when I searched them...
J x
think the bbc link page is dead now because it was something i downoaded to listen again to a while back that has now passed its sell by date - but there is an information page with a brief synopsis if you put three men in a float into the bbc main site search - sometimes i have mailed them for the script of a programme and they have been very good about sending it - this one would be worth having - there are so many great quotes i know i could 'use' - but the actual programme might not be available now - would be a keeper if it was - it was really terrific (and very funny) ! xxj
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