a lovely summer's day in ripon yesterday to celebrate ian's ordination - the cathedral was packed, overloading my senses and bringing to my mind all the different experiences i have had in the church with celebrations and sadness - right now is a sadder time for me, but it was so good to stand with ian and witness his vows and cheer him on - he will be a fabulous nsm in a yorkshire dale - half way through his wife linda leant over and whispered in my ear 'can you believe we're anglicans after all our many journeys ?!?' - they are ready to do this - though i am not sure if the c of e is ready for them !! congratulations ian, a fine occasion for a summer's day - a very merry celebration
Saturday, 28 June 2008
- i have been away from this blog for a wee while - things have been very busy - overwhelming actually - but i was thinking in all that busy business about what has really been happening this past month or so - there is a lot of mustard seed stuff that goes unnoticed but is very clearly there - i am reminded that all the surface dashing, to-ing and fro-ing make my body very weary these days - but the underneath, where God is always mysteriously and marvellously at work, in more ways than i can possibly imagine, is incredibly energetic and lively - an abundance of creative energy - from little mustard seeds, bigstuff grows !