Monday, 12 May 2008


i was wondering today, how long it is since my chidlren had a chance to really just sit and do nothing and daydream - life is so busy for them at school - there are so many pressures and stresses - it is difficult to feel like there are any moments when nothing is expected of you - this is one of my favourite relations listening to the grown ups and enjoying a wee daydream - i wish there was more time for that !

Saturday, 10 May 2008


we were thinking about all the sad things that weigh us down and make us heavy in our hearts - there was quite a pile by the time we had finished - a lot of little drops of sadness - all the hard stuff - sometimes that is difficult to let go of...........but it can be done

Sunday, 4 May 2008

fun with maths

i have been having fun today creating several different surveys for some research into creativity and maths i am doing - one for teachers and then eight others for different classes of children - all of them are trying to collect information about confidence and enjoyment in maths - it is going to be very interesting to see what the results show - my job has been made much easier by the marvellous inventions of the organisation survey monkey - i was rubbish at data handling and statistics at school - survey monkey make it all beautifully easy and the results are actually quite elegant !